Fire safety: a consultation on setting new global standards is seeking industry views


  • General news

17 February 2020

Fire extinguisher

Fire safety: a consultation on setting new global standards is seeking industry views

The International Fire Safety Standards Coalition (IFSS) – of which IWFM is a member – is seeking the views of industry experts on the development of the first global standard on fire safety.

Supported by the United Nations and the World Bank, the IFSS aims to bring transparency and consistency across the dozens of differing standards being used worldwide. It does this by creating a uniform set of principles and setting landmark minimum levels of fire safety and professionalism.

Around the world, many contrasting approaches and requirements have resulted in significant variations in the design, approval, construction methods, products and operation of buildings. Fire safety standards have historically been local market specific, out of kilter with technology and research developments, and in some countries non-existent. This has resulted in inefficient and inconsistent approaches to managing risk to life and property, which has reduced confidence in the fire safety of buildings.

IFSS is consulting on the development of new standards which bring together examples of best practice from across the world on all aspects of fire safety at each stage of the property life cycle. In particular, IFSS is seeking feedback on:

  • establishing overarching safety principles as a first step towards creating a common framework
  • existing fire safety principles and fire codes for buildings to identify current good practice and evaluate deficiencies in local markets
  • five principles which should be considered at each stage of the property life: Prevention; Detection and Communication; Occupant Safety; Containment; Extinguishment
  • future development of: a glossary of common fire safety terms; a directory of and roadmap to existing regulatory codes; and standards.

In the links below you will find the detailed Consultation Document and a short list of Consultation Questions. The consultation closes on 23 March 2020 and the standards document will be published in July 2020.

IWFM will be submitting a response to the consultation informed by the views of our Life Safety Working Group.

If you have experience of building fire safety standards and practices, particularly overseas, and would like to add your views or comments to our response, please get in touch by emailing: [email protected]

IFSS CP Consultation Document 23rd January 2020.pdf
International Fire Safety Standard Coalition Common Principles Consultation Questions 23rd January 2020.docx