IWFM is pleased to bring you a new podcast offering. The first series, in partnership with Sodexo focuses on workplace wellbeing and is split into 4 episodes outlined below.

IWFM Podcasts: Wellbeing
in partnership with Sodexo
IWFM is keeping the workplace and facilities management conversation moving with a brand new podcast series exploring workplace wellbeing, brought to you in partnership with Sodexo.
Between improving awareness around physical and mental health and the impacts of the mass home-working experiment brought on by the pandemic, workplace wellbeing has never been higher on the workplace and facilities management agenda.
Across four fortnightly episodes of expert views, challenging thinking and practical experiences, we will introduce workplace wellbeing with a wide lens view of the topic before unpicking the cultural, spatial and technological considerations of this important contemporary issue.
Hosted by Chris Moriarty, the episodes will feature renowned thinkers in the wellbeing space and its related topics, as well voices from the IWFM community with their own practical viewpoints of how wellbeing is being delivered in their organisations.
Episode one: The wellbeing prerogative
Released: 2 November 2021
Synopsis: Chris and guests discuss wellbeing’s emergence as a core consideration of organisations. How are leaders tackling it? What are the barriers and hurdles? And what role do workplaces play in this landscape?
- Debbie Bullock: UK Wellbeing Lead, Aviva
- David D'Souza: Membership Director, CIPD
- Laura Faulkner: Director of Business Services, Nationwide
- Sam Fuller: Managing Director, The Wellbeing Project (Europe)
- Chris Moriarty (host): Workplace Commentator
- Jo Ward: Head of Workplace and Wellbeing, Nestle UK
Episode two: space to thrive
Released: 16 November 2021
Synopsis: Chris Moriarty and a variety of expert guests discuss wellbeing and the physical environment in ‘Space to thrive’.
Gavin Bradley: Chief Wellness Officer, Sit-Stand.com and Founding Director of Active Working CIC.
Stephen Boyd: CEO, Government Property Agency
Julie Ennis: CEO Corporate Services UK and Ireland and Country President Ireland, Sodexo
Dr Whitney Austin Gray: Senior VP Research International, WELL Building Institute
Craig Murray: Strategy and Design Director, TSK
Stephanie Welch: Head of FM, Arup
Chris Moriarty (host): Workplace Commentator
Episode three: The cultural connection
Released: 2 December 2021
In 2019/20, work related depression or anxiety accounted for half (51%) or all work-related ill-health and 55% of all days lost due to work-related ill health. And whilst organisations, cognisant of that, have deployed workplace wellbeing programmes, how many have addressed some of the causes of that stress? Causes include:
- workload
- role uncertainty
- lack of control
- lack of support
- changes at work
- violence, threats or bullying.
Fundamentally, the culture of our organisations.
This episode explores some of those themes and speaks to experts in a range of fields about how workplace cultures need to adapt to remove some of these negative factors and instead ensure that work supports good mental health in employees.
Oliver Henry: Co-Founder, WorkLifeWell
Peter Kelly: Senior Psychologist, Health and Safety Executive
Chris Moriarty (host): Workplace Commentator
Carolyn Taylor: Author and Executive Chair, Walking the Talk
Episode four: Digitising our wellbeing
Released: 15 December 2021
The workplace community has increasingly placed data at the heart of their decision making. Smart buildings, and the associated technologies, have provided incredible insights into the performance of spaces and their ability to support work, but as wearable technology and health data hits the market, are we about to take that to a new level?
This episode explores the art of the possible and the role of data and tech in supporting wellbeing, as well as exploring the ethical implications of doing so. Just because we can, does it mean we should? And is there a way of offsetting concerns around personal data with the benefits that may come from the additional insights?
- Mark Hill: Director of Strategy and Transformation, Sodexo
- Chris Moriarty (host): Workplace Commentator
- Jo Ann Oravec: Professor of Information Technology, University of Wisconsin at Whitewater
- Duncan Young: Head of Workplace Health & Wellbeing, Lendlease