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Discussion paper

ISIG Leaders Forum 2022: the data conundrum

The technology revolution in FM started less than 20 years ago, streamlining work flow processes. Engineers were given hand held devices and a centralised system managed call-outs, budgets and compliance regimes.

23 March 2022
Discussion paper

ISIG Leaders Forum 2019: contracts across borders

As leading organisations pursue greater efficiencies, the workplace and facilities management industry has seen the increasing move towards outsourcing across borders.

01 May 2019
Discussion paper

FM leaders forum perspectives on BIM

FM has yet to get to grips with BIM and realise its full potential. There are many reasons for this. One is that FM is not part of the initial design team and so can’t provide input to architects and contractors.

01 August 2018
Discussion paper

Social value in FM

Since 2015, BIFM’s annual sustainability surveys have identified a move away from the tick-box culture towards longer-term environmental and social impacts.

01 July 2018
Discussion paper

FM compliance

The concept of compliance is a complex issue for facilities management. Across the sector, service providers and clients are often unsure how to achieve statutory compliance – or how to interpret it to meet their needs; and equally, they’re also unsure how far they must adhere to the cat’s cradle of British Standards, guidance notes, approved codes of practice, manufacturers’ instructions and individual building owners’ requirements in order to be contractually compliant.

01 March 2018
Discussion paper

Brave new world options for the FM sector post Brexit

Moreover, the panel felt that FM’s strengths in terms of offering extensive employment opportunities and a strong reputation globally would position it positively with a Government looking for support in challenging times.

01 June 2017
Discussion paper

Outsourcing across borders

Outsourcing across borders can drive down costs, implement group risk-management strategies including health and safety policies, and contribute to energy efficiency and better asset management.

01 July 2016
Discussion paper

Customer service in FM

Customer service represents the first and thus most critical interface between an organisation and its customers. Facilities management has a significant role to play, with the many opportunities FM personnel have to engage with end-user customers forcing its importance up the corporate agenda.

01 September 2015
Discussion paper

Mind the pay gap the living wage and zero hours

Perhaps counter-intuitively, the media’s fixation on the misuse of zero-hours contracts could give FM an opportunity to reverse negative preconceptions about what they offer.

01 August 2015
Discussion paper

Future of public procurement

The government is the biggest spender on FM service contracts in the UK managing an annual £40bn of contracts with the private sector. However, with stinging criticism of contract management in the recent report from the Public Accounts Committee and with the introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Soft Landings mandated for all government projects in 2016, as part of the government construction strategy, it’s clear that there is a need for service suppliers, and the government, to evolve and adapt. 

01 December 2014
Discussion paper

Exploring zero waste to landfill

The FM Leaders Forum provides a valuable opportunity for leaders in the sector, both providers and clients, to explore new trends in facilities management and how best to respond.

01 October 2014
Discussion paper

Serving up FM the catering challenge

The pros and cons of catering as a single service or as part of a TFM/bundled solution are currently exercising some of the best minds in the sector. In such a fiercely contested market, strengthening the total client offer by bolting on a catering function can create a real competitive edge.

01 March 2014
Discussion paper

Building successful outsourcing relationships

Within the FM sector, outsourcing is second nature for many organisations and with a thriving network of service providers, there is a need to ensure both parties work as effectively as they can together in order to deliver the best service for the organisation, the local community and wider society. 

01 February 2014
Discussion paper

Defining the future value of FM

As part of the Institute’s commitment to advancing the profession, these questions and others were posed to an FM Leaders panel.

01 December 2013
Discussion paper

Engaging FMs in the construction process

Since the realisation of BIM’s true potential there has been much talk about engaging FMs in new construction and major refurbishment projects, and this is a key element that BIM and soft landings intend to bring as part of a continuous cycle of improvement.

01 November 2013
Discussion paper

Benchmarking effective performance management for FM

Throughout our discussions we discovered that benchmarking means different things to different organisations, and although there are some issues that are still to be overcome with internal benchmarking performance, the real benefits come from being able to compare buildings across the industry. 

01 June 2013
Discussion paper

Bridging the gap for success

Soon, all public sector facilities managers will need to be up to speed as the government requires fully collaborative 3D BIM (with all project and asset information, documentation and data in electronic form) on all public sector projects by 2016.

01 October 2012

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