Mark Whittaker CIWFM

Chair, IWFM



The Board’s prime responsibilities are strategy, risk, the monitoring of performance, and legal compliance. It delegates the day-to-day running of the Institute to the Executive under the chairmanship of the CEO. The Members’ Council based on feedback from the membership, give advice and guidance to the Board on the long term direction of the Institute and it’s mission. Other standing committees are Audit & RiskConstitution & EthicsNominations & Remuneration and the Awarding Body.

The IWFM Board consists of up to 13 members of the Institute, six of which are volunteers who must hold professional membership at Member Grade or above; for example, Member, Certified, Fellow or Honorary Fellow of the Institute. All members of the Board are registered with Companies House as non-executive directors of the Institute. 

Three other roles can be elected to the Board; Co-Opted Non-Executive Directors who are appointed by the Board based on their specialist competencies to help support both the Board and the Executive in key decision making.

All Board members are required to give appropriate undertakings in respect of confidentiality, a specific Board Non-Executive code of practice and an annual declaration of interests. The latter are reviewed by the Company Secretary and if thought appropriate referred to the Constitution and Ethics Committee for adjudication concerning any material conflict with Institute affairs and on nomination as a Director of IWFM.

The maximum length of time a Board member other than an employee can serve is three years, after which they can be re-elected for a further three years [6 consecutive years] then there must be a two year gap before re-election. The Chairman's maximum term is two years, although after that they can be re-elected to an elected position.


Board members

The current IWFM Board is made up of the following;

Mark Whittaker, Chair
Andrew Hulbert, Deputy Chair and Non-Executive Director
David Carey, Non-Executive Director
Pauline Simpkins, Chair of Members Council
Jake Drummond, Non-Executive Director
Marilyn Standley, Non-Executive Director 
Moses Ayoola, Non-Executive Director 
Rod Lennox, Co-Opted Non-Executve Director
Simone Fenton-Jarvis – Elected Non-Executive Director
Luke Folwell - Elected Non-Executive Director
Kate Pattison, Head of Finance and Company Secretary IWFM
Linda Hausmanis, CEO IWFM

Elected members x6

  • Elected from the wider membership. Eligible grades include Member, Certified Member, Fellow and Honary Fellow
  • Can have up to 2 Deputy Chairs elected from this group

Co-Opted Members (up to 3)

  • Selected at the discretion of the Board based on thier competency, expertise and experience. These co-opted positions may come from the membership or the wider industry.


  • Elected by the Board members from the current Non-Executive Directors


  • Recruited and selected by the Board

Executive Directors (up to 2)

  • Recruited, or promoted internally and appointment approved by the Board

Mark Whittaker CIWFM

Chair, IWFM

David Carey

Elected Non-Executive Director, IWFM

Simone Fenton-Jarvis

Elected Non-Executive Director, IWFM

Kate Pattison

Finance Director and Company Secretary, IWFM

Jake Drummond

Elected Non-Executive Director, IWFM

Moses Ayoola

Elected Non-Executive Director, IWFM

Andrew Hulbert

Deputy Chair and Non-executive director, IWFM

Pauline Simpkins

Members' Council Chair, IWFM

Marilyn Standley

Non-executive director, IWFM

Rod Lennox

Co-Opted Non Executive Director & Nominations and Remuneration Committee Chair, IWFM

Luke Folwell

Elected Non-Executive Director, IWFM

Linda Hausmanis