21 March 2025 11am – 12pm Zoom meeting


Please join the IWFM Procurement and Contract Management Special Interest Group (SIG) for our online Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 11am on Friday 21 March.

We are pleased to announce that Rebecca Rees of Trowers Hamlin, a leading national expert in procurement law, will be attending to provide insights into the Procurement Act 2023. The Procurement Act 2023 is the largest change to public procurement in 10 years and this is a fantastic opportunity to increase your awareness and knowledge. Jonathan Nobbs, IWFM's Director of Membership & Partnerships will talk about volunteering at IWFM.

In addition, we will be updating attendees on the highlights of our activities from last year, and our plans for 2025.

The formal proceedings of the AGM will include the ratification of Committee members for 2025. 

There is also the opportunity to join the Committee as a general member, so attendees may like to consider what knowledge and experience they could bring to this role. While all interests to join the Committee will be given serious consideration, applications from those with marketing and events management skills, roles with service providers and/or customers from the private sector would be particularly welcomed.


Jonathan Nobbs

Director of Membership and Partnership, IWFM

Jonathan is Director of Membership and Partnership at the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM).  He is accountable for membership standards, member value, corporate partnerships, the IWFM Training Academy and ensuring IWFM’s fantastic network of volunteers are supported to harness their passion for the Workplace and Facilities Management profession.

Jonathan is driven by the power of professions and the contribution they make to the world we share.  He has led several transformation programmes across global professions (including health, safety and sustainability) enabling their contribution to GDP to be understood, valued and underpinned by cutting edge programmes of upskilling.  Latterly, working with some of the largest brands in the world to improve skills and governance across global supply chains.

Jonathan has also held senior positions across the public and private sectors, including the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (as was).

Rebecca Rees

Partner and Head of Public Procurement, Trowers & Hamlins

Rebecca is a partner and Head of Public Procurement. She also leads the cross-firm Building a Safer Future team at Trowers & Hamlins. Rebecca is a leading national expert in public procurement law, consistently ranked as among the world's leading government contracts lawyers (Who's Who Legal and Chambers and Partners). 

Rebecca has significant experience in advising clients in the public, private and third sectors on public procurement, subsidy control and building safety strategy issues. She advises clients on procurement strategy and structures, how to conduct flexible and compliant procurement procedures and compile objective and transparent evaluation models and guidance.

With particular interests in value-led procurement, social value and building safety, Rebecca is a member of the Working Group 11 for Procurement Competency, part of the Competency Steering Group (CSG), set up by the Industry Response Group (IRG) to tackle competency failings identified in the Hackitt Review, Building a Safer Future and sits on DLUHC's Procurement Advisory Group. Rebecca also represents Trowers & Hamlins on the Social Value in Housing Taskforce, led by HACT, which focuses on the further development of robust measurement and management of social value outcomes.

Rebecca also sits on the Advisory Council of Radioactive Waste Management, the public sector organisation established by government responsible for planning and delivering geological disposal of higher activity radioactive waste in the UK.

Rebecca is ranked in Band 1 and named as a 'Top Ranked and Leader in the Field for Public Procurement (UK-wide)' by the Chambers and Partners' Guide to the Legal Profession 2022. She is also recognised as a Global Leader in the "Who's Who Legal Guide to Government Contracts 2021".

Rebecca is described as “a very highly respected and reliable lawyer” and “well versed in advising clients in the public and the private sectors" (Who's Who Legal Guide to Government Contracts, 2021) and "a stalwart of the UK market" and "acknowledged as a good relationship builder" (Who's Who Legal Guide to Government Contracts, 2021).

Who's Who Legal Guide to Government Contracts, 2020 and 2021

Rebecca Rees maintains a rounded public procurement practice, acting for both public and private sector clients on all manner of projects. She is well regarded and sources say she "has a comprehensive appreciation of the form of the contract, emerging law and its implications for the project." "Rebecca has formidable knowledge of the regulatory environment, sharp analytical skills and the ability to produce clear and pragmatic advice.”