IWFM Annual General Meeting: change of date to 30 September 2021


  • Facilities,
  • Workplace

28 July 2021


IWFM's Annual General Meeting (AGM) provides members with the opportunity to engage with the Board and vote on the future direction of the Institute.

This year, we plan to hold our AGM as a hybrid event, where you will have the opportunity to attend either virtually or in person.

Due to unforeseen circumstances the CEO is unable to attend the AGM physically on Thursday 9 September, so we have rescheduled the meeting to Thursday 30 September 2021 so that Linda Hausmanis may attend in person. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

We can also confirm that the AGM will be held at Barings Bank, 9th Floor, 20 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7BF.


The voting platform was due to go live on Friday 30 July 2021, but as the AGM date has now changed, it will now go live on Wednesday 18 August 2021 instead.

Prior to the AGM, you will be sent a registration link by UK Engage, our independent scrutineers, to access the voting platform.

Please ensure that whether you are attending in person or online, you have access to a smart phone or device that connects to the internet, as without this you will not be able to vote.

Register your place here >