Nominations now open for two Non-Executive Director (NED) vacancies
- Facilities,
- Workplace
15 April 2024
The nominations have now opened for two Non-Executive Director (NED) vacancies within the IWFM Board. As a professional body, we can only maintain our vision for excellence if we continue to forefront innovative ideas and provide a platform for those seeking to inspire impactful change. Could you play a key role in shaping our future by becoming a NED?
For these important roles, the IWFM Board is looking for high-quality, experienced candidates with commercial acumen and specific skills to balance those already on the board.
We are really striving for our Board to be the representative voice for all members and the wider IWFM community. We welcome and encourage participation from all members of the community regardless of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, belief, marital status, pregnancy or any other personal circumstances.
The key skills that we are looking for are:
- workplace and facilities management industry knowledge and insight
- strategic thinking
- commercial and financial competence
- ability to navigate and engage political environments.
NEDs are unremunerated but have the same statutory duties, responsibilities and potential liabilities as their Executive counterparts.
To be eligible to stand, you must be of IWFM Certified grade or above and must have held this grade for at least 6 months. Eligible members can self-nominate but need two members (of Member grade or above) to second their application. Corporate and Group member main contacts can second an applicant but cannot stand as an NED unless they hold their own individual membership at Certified grade or above.
Eligible members will have received an email from our independent scrutineers, UK Engage, explaining the process and how to self-nominate via an online platform. Ensure you check your junk and spam boxes, so you don’t miss the opportunity of becoming an IWFM Board Non-Executive Director.
Nominations will close on 10 May 2024. The planned election date is 24 June 2024 and online voting (by IWFM members of Member grade or above) will take place between 24 June 2023 and 19 July 2024, with the ability to also vote on the day at the IWFM AGM. New NEDs are announced at the AGM, which will take place on 25 July 2024, where there will be an opportunity to join virtually. Registration for the AGM will open soon.
For any questions, or if you haven’t received your email linking you to the online platform, please contact [email protected].