How we operate
The Institute is directed by the Board; they delegate overall responsibility for the day-to-day running of the Institute to the Executive team.

The Board's prime responsibilities are strategy, risk, the monitoring of performance, and legal compliance. It delegates the day to day running of the Institute to the Executive under the chairmanship of the CEO.
The IWFM Board consists of up to 13 members of the Institute, six of which are volunteers who must be a Qualified Member; for example, a Certified Member, Fellow or Honorary Fellow of the Institute. All members of the Board are registered with Companies House as non-executive directors of the Institute.
The Audit & Risk Committee’s main role is to advise the IWFM Board on matters relating to the external audit; risk management and internal controls assurance; the integrity of financial statements; the findings and recommendations of any investigations requested by them and to deal with any similar matters as the Board may direct.
The purpose of the Awarding Organisation Committee (AO) is to support and provide the Board with assurance and independent judgement that the AO remains compliant with the general conditions/principles of regulation as stipulated by the regulators, and to add value and guide the Awarding Organisations directorial / management in achieving its remit within our strategy and business plan.
The Constitution & Ethics Committee’s main role is to provide the Board with advice on the governance of the IWFM and its subsidiaries, to review the Constitution and propose any amendments to the Board, and to ensure that there is a robust process in place for the handling of complaints against members.
The current make up of the Executive is as follows: Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Director of Finance, Director of Communication and Insight, Director of Membership and Partnerships, Director of Professional Development.. For information on the department heads, please see 'Our team' below.
The Members' Council role and purpose is to help direct, engage with and ensure good communication with and between our Regions and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and to help form our research agenda. Its membership comes from the major areas of activity and influence within the Institute.
The purpose of the Nominations & Remuneration Committee is to provide a formal and transparent procedure for remuneration of the Institute’s chief executive. Developing policy on remuneration for the CEO and executive directors and ensuring that the performance of the CEO is reviewed.